Margravial Opera House

In June 2012, the Margravial Opera house was proclaimed a Unesco World Heritage: it is a unique monument of Europe's festival, theatre and music culture in the Baroque era. While the Opera House is undergoing extensive restorations, visitors will still be able to get a glimpse of the auditorium.

A world heritage centre has opened in the foyers, where an exhibition presents a fascinating view of the building, its architect Giuseppe Galli Bibiena and the margravine Wilhelmine who commissioned the theatre. A 3D animation allows the visitor to experience the architecture in close-up and in an interactive way. Also in and around Bayreuth: the theatre of ruins in the Hermitage (1744), the grotto theatre at Sanspareil (1747), Richard Wagner’s festival theatre (1876), and much more.


Markgräfliches Opernhaus
Opernstrasse 14
95444 Bayreuth

Visits World Heritage Centre: 9:00 to 18:00 (April–Sep); 10:00 to 16:00 (Oct–March)

